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We welcome Liberty Lemonade to the Neighborhood

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Liberty Lemondae 3"When Life gives you Lemons make Lemonade, then go Shopping!" This is the message fromLiberty Lemonade on the weekend on their grand opening.

Liberty Lemonade will carry footwear lines for all ages with a wide choice of trendsetting brands such as Aquatalia, Wolky and Anyi Luto. The fashion is a curated selection of luxe, relaxed designs from Trina Turk, Cortland Park, Splendid and many more... They will have a full offering of accessories including handbags, ties, scarves, socks, gloves and jewelry...

As reported in the Litchfield County Times, "Alisa La Liberte, a New England native, who recently relocated from Silicon Valley, Calif., is putting the finishing touches on Liberty Lemonade, a shoe store she envisions as serving as a comfortable haven for families while they shop. To provide that comfort, Ms. La Liberte has decorated the open space with two couches and chairs so customers can relax while they try on shoes or just sit back and enjoy the free lemonade and cookies served to 


We wish Alisa every success in her new venture! Please find below the details for this grand opening weekend:

Liberty Lemonade 2

Liberty Lemonade Flyer

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  1. Alisa La Liberte on

    Thanks to the local community for welcoming me with open arms!